Sunday, April 02, 2006

The weekend as a Bachelor

Daisy is in my lap. I think she's scared of the thunder storm a bit (so am I, with 70 mph winds, and my lights flickering!). My computer may go down at any moment. I'll have to remember to save.

I have Kelley's neighbor's note in .pdf, but I can't get it onto the blog, so I've got to convert it to .jpg. Anyway, you'll see it (and Kelley's replies) pretty soon.

I just did my taxes...not a pretty outcome, but not unexpected.

I watched most of the first season of Battlestar Galactica. Pretty good, but I don't think I'll continue (with season 2). I rented the first 2 episodes of "Lost" from Blockbuster this evening after church. I've heard good things about it, and Dave and AmyL have the whole first season they can loan me, in case I get hooked.

The thunder is rattling the windows, making the cat jump. Poor kitty.

We had a bird in the house today...there are feathers all over the floor.

I played DoA with DaveK today, and yesterday (along with Leroy and Troy). I think I won both times...yeah, I did. But more importantly, I think everyone had fun. We also played Daytona 500, and Carcasonne the Castle.

Watched 2 hours (out of 3) of King Kong last night. The dinosaur stampede was pretty impressive.

The girls are in Tennessee, visiting the Skeltons. They did some geocaching today. I miss them.

Kerry called to say hi today...I think I'll call him right now.

See ya!


Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI- the girls are in North Carolina...visiting the Skeltons... :-)


kieron said...

Are you sure it isn't Tennessee? The geocache location I gave them was for Tennessee...

kieron said...

Just got off the phone w/ Courtney - they are in Tennessee (she didn't know that's where they were going to be).

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? She was looking at weather for Asheville, NC the entire week before she left?! How do you think you're going to NC and end up in TN?? ONLY MY SISTER?!
I take back everything I said about you yesterday K-man. (it was all nice though)