Saturday, April 22, 2006

DoA rules I've been playing wrong:


I re-read the rules for DoA (since I got the full set to split between Leroy, DaveK, and me).

These are the rules I've been playing wrong, or hadn't been playing with:

  1. Green platters (all with the first set) are ancient, and if an ancient character with an ancient weapon is on them them, they get +1 to hit (true for other ages as well).
  2. When you enter a dome, you must stop all movement (and thus couldn't pick up any cards).
  3. The terrain a target is in DOES affect hit modifiers.
  4. 3-way trades are NOT allowed. You must effect two, 2-way trades.
  5. You can destroy equipment (during free action, when trading, or when receiving new equipment).
  6. Lith's favor (if you are down by 2 or more characters, you get a +1 bonus in the Lith alliance and Lith strategica).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be fair, you've only been playing a few of those rules incorrectly since the "Triple Threat Bonus (platter + char + item age)" and the "Lith's Favor" only come into play when you're playing with the full set. The other aged platters aren't until Vast Horizons (set 3), so you don't get the +1 bonus for Ancient Triple Threat if you're only playing Sets 1 and 2. Otherwise, Ancient characters would have an inherent bonus in the base game.

Also, don't forget the +1 bonus for Tower use within the Age Labyrinths when you match the age (i.e. no bonus on the Lith Strategica), since that's an easy one to forget.

Glad you got Vast Horizons, it adds SO much to the strategy of the board set-up. You really can win or lose a game of DoA with Excellent/Miserable platter/key configurations.
