Monday, April 24, 2006

Bedtime Routines and Fundraisers

Started a new bedtime routine tonight.

At 8:30, the routine starts. The girls must pick up their stuff, take their showers, etc, b4 9:30 or "face the consequences" (fairly lame consequences, but we'll see how it works).

Maddie finished her "Mathathon" to benefit St. Jude children's hospital...she's sitting at the dining room table counting it up. She collected $105! And that from only 7 people.

Speaking of fundraisers, last night we went to the OLL spring benefit dinner. Molly sang (along with about 30 million of her friends on stage), my parents were there, as were Court's parents. It was a gay 'ol time.

And finally on fundraisers: My work has it's first dinner/silent auction (thanks to a new development director) this Friday. My parents are coming to that...I actually have THREE tables.


Anonymous said...

What could be the lame consequences?

kieron said...

Lame = no "snuggling", which means we don't rub or scratch their backs b4 bed, that kind of thing.