Monday, January 09, 2006


You're not going to believe this. Maddie cracked the code. Total time: less than 48 hours.

And no, it wasn't our street address, our SSN, our birthdates, our anniversary, or any combination of anything. It was (basically) completely random.

She came to me with a list of about six, four digit numbers and asked if the pin was one of them. It was.

Turns out Courtney had written our favorite PINs in the drawer next to the computer (in her high-security ways). Maddie noticed that there were a few 4-digit numbers written there, and figured it might be one of them.

She just about blew her top when I changed it. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

It's going to be a long run for the Mitchells.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, there;s no way you're going to be able to out maunoeuver (sp)Maddie in future.