Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm a bad father

I left my 7-year-old daughter, Molly, at home this morning when I went to work. She was woken up by the sound of the electrician yelling if anyone was home (she hid in the closet).

She isn't too traumatized, and (of course) I have my excuses. But then again, don't we all?

On a separate, but slightly related, topic, Molly and Courtney were sick Tuesday, so I stayed home to take care of them. By 6pm that evening I was sick as well, so stayed home Wednesday (yesterday). We're all recovered today (except that we let Molly stay home to rest one more day).

Well, better get back to work (I'm done with my lunch now)...


Anonymous said...

So she was home *completely* alone? I think she handled that well to hide in the closet.


kieron said...

Yeah, she was alone alright.

Turns out, our next door neighbor came by as well, and called out for Molly, but Molly kept quiet 'cause she didn't want to be embarassed (or something like that).

Anonymous said...

u r a bad bad father
how did it happen?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kieron

Yes, more did it happen? (Since you've chosen to share it with us). What did Courts think?

In this country it's illegal to leave under 13's home alone. However you can send them out into the street at any age, (and then go out.)


kieron said...

There is no legal age to leave them at home, but you can't kick them out until they are 16 (or maybe 18).

I went next door to help a neighbor with a flat tire, which then involved me going to the store to get something, and when I got back the neighbor had been over to my house to pick up Maddie's backpack (since Maddie called from the school). So I saw maddie's backpack at my neighbors, and thought that I'd just take it to Maddie on my way to work, which I did (forgetting, in the meantime, all about poor little Molly).