Monday, December 05, 2005

Complaints Against my Blog

Well, well, well. A deep subject.

So far, I've received four or five complaints about my blog content, from as many people. Most recently, my girls read about the fact that I threw away the birthday cake they gave me, and came to me, crying.

For the record, that cake wasn't good, but I know that my girls love me, and I love them, and I use that photo as my wallpaper on my computer at work, and smile each time I see them. I've forgotten about the taste of the cake, but I won't forget the love behind it's creation.

I was worried that I would have to pull punches in order not to offend, and I have nonetheless offended. Imagine if I let loose!

Tonight is a penance and reconciliation (confession) service at church. I'll take the girls (to give Maddie the chance to confess if she wants - which she won't, and to let Molly get used to what it'll be like). Afterwards is my men's prayer group (we meet every other week).

This weekend our old (as in previous, as opposed to aged) neighbors came over for dinner on Sunday. It was nice to see them again. For the record, we didn't end up going to Oldenburg on Saturday, as was previously posted.


Anonymous said...

So what are the other complaints? Apart from the birthday cake? Too many medical details...what?

kieron said...

Oh, I don't want to publically mention details - especially to an anonymous'd just fan the flames!