Monday, November 28, 2005

What I did on Thanksgiving

The pies were great!  My favorite is apple – homemade by Court’s cousin-in-law, Chris.


We played “werewolf” a few times.  The town won each time…mostly ‘cause the children tend to cheat.


A good time was had by all – like I said, my parents came up from Bloomington.  We ate at about 3pm, and Jill (Court’s mom) made a toast to her brother David (who died last month).


Here are some things I’m thankful for: 1) Courtney, 2) the rest of my Family, 3) my friends, 4) my job, 5) being born into relative riches, 6) living in modern times.  The Dali Lama thinks that comparisions to others is the key to happiness (that is, that we are always better off than SOMEONE).




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet that you are most thankful for my sister. So am I! Kelley