Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No Restrictions (yet another shoulder update)!

The sling is off, and I’m ready to do the thing I’ve missed most.  You guessed it…shift.  No, it’s actually hug my girls with BOTH arms.


I went to the doc today, and he said my shoulder is all healed, and now I just need to build up strength.  To do that, I’ll be going to physical therapy twice a week (instead of weekly) (which will be over lunch generally on Monday’s and Friday’s, which does cramp my social calendar a bit, since I tend to have lunch w/ friends, but c’est la vie!).  That general rule will be broken for this first appointment, which is this Friday at 8:30a, so I’ll be in to work a bit late.


The shoulder is still a little sore, and I expect the pain’ll get worse before it gets better (since I’ll be working out).  “Ice is still your buddy”, according to my doc (whom I don’t really like too much, but I really don’t know him so I shouldn’t be so judgmental).  My motto is “Pain don’t hurt.”  It’s actually someone else’s motto, which I’ve stolen, but it basically means that pain doesn’t cause injury.  Actually…pain probably prevents injury.  Also, “no pain no gain”.  Which is NOT my motto, but it just popped into my head.

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