Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rome away from Home

Oh, by the way, did I mention WE ARE LEAVING FOR ROME IN THREE DAYS?

And yes, to answer my own question, I did mention it. But it was in the "first acutal post" for this blog, back on May 12th.

I plan to "tag a cache" (thanks to Cameron, my work buddy, for reminding me that I even OWN a GPS-R). For those of you still living in the dark ages of technology (having never heard of geocaching), it's a game you play where you try and find "hidden treasure". I like to tag one as part of my vacation to far away lands, just before I rescue any princesses.

As a reminder to those who have slept since May 12th (hopefully, all of you); Court's 'rents are being kind enough to take us on the trip with them, as a 15th wedding anniversary gift (our 15th, not theirs).

Wow - just glanced at my watch and I see that it's 10:25...I've "got" to be at a breakfast thing at 6am tomorrow (I missed it last week - even though I set two alarms). This time I set three. If that doesn't work, I'll set four. I will win this battle, as God as my witness, I'll never eat turnips again!

Ciao! <-- That's roman, for 'bye! P.S. Having finished "Blink", I'm reading "The Tipping Point" now.

P.P.S. Maddie's love scrap today was "peace".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!
