Friday, October 14, 2005

The Calm before the Storm

Will I ever run out of clever titles? One wonders...

We leave for the airport about 11am today. The girls are in school, Courtney is at the bank (even though her 'rents are paying for everything), and I'm relaxing - drinking a cup of joe. I've decided to switch to black - in an ongoing effort to simplify my life.

We were going to go to church (mass) with Molly and Maddie at school at 8:15a, but it's been postponed until 10a - so now our plan is to go then. We'll see.

I found another person who reads my blog - JimG - howdy, Jimbo! I played games at Jim's house on Wednesday - we mostly played an auction game called Beowolf.

I added a nifty bit of technology to the blog - right below the ad on the left is a multicolored square with the work "sitemeter" next to it. If you click on it, you can see statistics for my blog. One neat thing is that it can tell you not only how many people are reading it, but where they are located, what op sys and browser they are using, etc. I was looking at it a couple days ago, and noticed that Troy was reading the blog, so I gave him a call and told him that he should really switch from the dinosaur that is Internet Explorer to Firefox. I don't think he was amused.

I'm bringing what seems like, but on further reflection is not really, a butt-load of books in my backpack to Rome. Here's a list: Christian Prayer (this may not really count as a book, since you don't read it straight through), The Wonderful Names of our Wonderful Lord, The Tipping Point, and the Secret of the Rosary. You may think that this is a little unbalanced towards religion, but...

Just got a call that our flight has been pushed FORWARD of all things, and now we are leaving at 9:30a instead of 11a. NO LONGER RELAXING, NOW MUST FIND COURTNEY SO AS NOT TO MISS THE FLIGHT!!



Anonymous said...

ok- first of all...I laughed OUT LOUD, which I rarely do when I'm reading something...unless it's a REALLY funny fwdd email your opening line- the one about ever running out of clever titles...
Anyway...enough about you- if you're reading this in Rome from a cute little internet cafe, the girls are marvelous! They had a ball at Shackamak- Molly is a little sick from camp- cough, runny nose, I started laying the groundwork last night- that Aunt Kelley HAD to go to work and no one was here to watch her if she was too sick to go to school Monday...WRONG MOVE...BIG alligator tears because Ms Lewis YELSS at you if you're at school when you're sick!!
So..I rephrased it all...she was up and at'm this morning (Maddie will have it no other way)- the morning was VERY smooth- we were out the door at 0715! I was VERY impressesd with all 3 kids- and I told them so!
ok- next item- should I do FireFox? I have the Internet Explorer dinosaur too!

kieron said...

I'm glad I made you laugh! I'm back now, reading this.

Let me show you some of the benefits, then you can decide if you want to switch...