Monday, October 10, 2005

"Best dad Award!!!"


I have about two minutes before work starts, so I'll give you the short update.

We made it back safe and sound from the 20 hour (round trip) car ride to Kansas. The girls behaved pretty well - they seem to be playing well together recently.

Kristina's wedding was very nice. It was in a chapel on the campus of the University of Kansas, and it was nice to visit with my cousin, Vesta.

I was attacked (figuratively) at the rehersal dinner about my shoulder. Everyone thought that I shouldn't have the surgery done. Probably since I downplay the problem. I don't like talking about my shoulder (in real life, not on the blog. In "geekspeek", "in real life" = IRL).

There was a large earthquake in India within the past few days (yesterday?), and there are reports of 30,000 dead. My boss is coming back from India today, so we all hope he is ok. It's a large county, so I'm not worried about him. Not that I worry much about anything...

Well, back to the grind ;-)

P.S. Hello to Sarah, if you are reading this, post a comment!


Anonymous said...

I just figured out how to post a comment. I sent an email, thinking it might be a blog post - this is what I wrote:
Is this an email or a blog post???? I have no idea because I am technologically retarded. We did just posted our new website - which I thought was an impossible task. I figured we would have to hire a professional, but, my smarty law partner, Doug, created it all on his own. I can not take credit for anything put the color scheme. We work well together like that. Life is crazy right now. The bankruptcy laws are changing as of 12:01 am Monday morning. People are scrambling to get on file before then so we are working day and night. I hope to take some time off next week to catch up on sleep and exercise - I never miss a meal, of course, I am still genetically a Mitchell. I read some of the blog - very sweet and interesting. What is happening in Rome? The wedding was wonderful wasn't it? It was so good to get together again as a family. The girls did a superb job as flower girls, again. I can't wait to see pictures and hopefully see you all again soon. I hope you all have a safe and fun trip to Italy. I will keep up with the blog - this is fun~!

kieron said...

Thanks, cuz!

I responded to your e-mail already...

Be sure to get's important.