Monday, October 31, 2005

Addition Update - Halloween

Courtney construction is well underway! These photos were taken three days apart, so you can see how fast they are going.

Today the roof went on.

Tonight is halloween. Maddie is at a friends (Alyssa), and Molly is having a friend (Mallory) come over to trick-or-treat.

I went to work today (Courtney drove me). It was fine, except I was pretty tired from the pain killers. Tomorrow Jill is giving me a ride to my doctor's appointment, where I'll find out more about when I can start using my arm/going to physical therapy. Jill is recently retired, so it's nice that she can help out - and Courtney won't have to take time off work.

We got a new washer today (the old one broke). It's pretty high tech. I think it'll call me on my cell phone when a load is ready.

Gotta run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your washer called...your load is is your laundry...