Monday, September 26, 2005

I (heart) U!

I heart you, too Ms. Maddie!

I'm waiting for my Men's Prayer group to start (it's at my house tonight at 30 minutes). I've got the cookies, the coffee, the soda, and a "prayer" handout from a book about Mother Theresa (it's the one that starts: "People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,").

I cut myself this morning with one of the sharpest, best knives in America (at least, according to the in-home salesman who sold it to us...who is also our next door neighbor's boy). I was trying to cut a bagel...and not even a frozen one at that. Oh well, love me anyway.

This past Saturday Troy and I filmed a 30 min. instructional video of Dungeon Twister. We've got it now on his Mac, and once he burns it to a CD, or uploads it somewhere to the 'net, I'll post the link. Not that you want to sit thru a 30 min. instructional video of Dungeon Twister...

The girls are at a skating party, with Sam and Kelley. Hi Kelley!

I just finished a book my 'rents gave me for my b-day called The Human Factor, by Graham Greene. It was a little slow getting started, but the last half kept my attention pretty well. The moral of the story (it was a spy novel) seemed to be that doing "the wrong thing" might not be such a good idea, even if you can justify it. The end doesn't justify the means, in other words. That can be a hard rule to follow, when you are faced with life's challenges...the easy path and all that.

Troy was looking over my shoulder as I was looking up something I had published in my blog, and he said "WHAT DO YOU NEED AN MRI FOR?". I told him that if he wanted to know, he'd have to read my blog. Here is my blog policy:

If I've given you the link to my blog, I will refuse to discuss anything referenced in it, unless you have read it. This saves us both a lot of time, which can be better spent on talking about YOU, and not ME (not that I have an objection to talking about ME, per se, it's just that I find it boring, since I already know all about me, and I don't know all about YOU).

Also, I avoid putting anything negative about anyone, and anything too personal in the blog, so reading it frees up time to discuss that kind of stuff in person.

There is also something about the fact that when I see someone in a cast, I hesitate to ask them what happened, since I figure they've had to tell the story about a zillion times already, and they are tired of it. If they had a blog, they could put in all the gory details ONE TIME, and maybe hand out a card with the link. Laugh if you must, but some (like me), would APPRECIATE such an approach.

Since my arm'll be in sling with a cyrogenic ice pack thingy within a month, I may just try it out.'s 7:25 and no one has arrived. I'd better sign off, so I can be prepared to greet people!



Anonymous said...

Sam and I were unable to attend the skating party, as he is having some behavior struggles in school. :-( But I think the girlen had fun!!
I listed my house this weekend- 314 S. Butler Avenue- in Irvington- VERY CUTE- excellent curb appeal- very cute current owner...

kieron said...

Ah - now begins the fun "keep my house clean always in case it needs be shown" phase.