Sunday, August 07, 2005

Update for 8/7/05

The girls (and grand-ma, and Aunt Kelley, and Sam) left for Holiday World (in Santa Claus, Indiana, no less) last Thursday. I hope they've had fun (they were due back an hour ago).

I say I hope, since they DIDN'T CALL ME ONE SINGLE TIME. Of course, my policy is that if I don't hear anything, then they are alive and well (since I would be contacted by the authorities if anything untoward were to happen).

Played games with a friend yesterday, then drove down to E-ville and visited by parents and brother, Kerry (who is in town for a week) last night, and spent the night there. Drove back up to Indy this morning to take my uncle-in-lar to church (but he wasn't feeling well, so we didn't go). It was nice to talk a bit with my bro.

Don't tell the girls, but we are trying to find a good home for our dog, Jackpot (we'll tell them eventually, obviously). She is a great dog, except she is too excitable and tends to knock down small children and nose every crotch in the room. So, if you know of anyone who would like a one-year-old, housebroken black chow mix, let me know! She'd be the perfect pet for someone without small children.

Click here for the video of her in her pool.

I've been playing this fun little strategy game, called "Slay". An unfortunate name, and not indicitive of the type of game, really.

Our lawn-mower is broken.

The house addition is slated to begin the first week in October, and will take 3-4 weeks.



Anonymous said...

You're trying to find a home for Jackpot??? AGAIN???

kieron said...

Well, we never really stopped (looking, that is). It's just that we have stepped up the process.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kelley