Sunday, July 17, 2005

Time for Camp!

Maddie leaves today for a week at CYO Camp - Rancho Framasa! It's her third year, and she is really excited. She's going with two friends, and there will be at least three or four other girls from her school (same approximate age) there at the same time as well.

Went to church this morning with my uncle-in-law David.

Last night Molly and I had a fun time at a pool party - even tho it rained. It was cool being in the hot tub with the rain pelting down! I also saw a bit of Raiders of the Lost Ark again (brought back some memories of high school).

Night b4 last I played Heroscape with Sam...I won, but just barely. We've got it set up now on our dining room table - hopefully having it out will make us play it more (since I like it, but it takes SO long to set's a bit of a drag).

Well - gotta run go get a rain slicker for Maddie before they get back from church!

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