Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm a Bachelor

Not really, but that's what people say when your family leaves you and goes on vacation without you. The crew is at Eddie's Cottages in Michigan. I've been there twice before (this will be like their fourth time).

I'm not really jealous - I enjoy my "free time". I've been spending a lot of it with a pal of mine, Dave Kingsworthy. His family is gone for the moment as well. We've been spending our time playing games, poker, and watching movies.

The three movies:

  • "Hero"
  • the first ten minutes of some movie about a white guy - Ashton Kushner - who is marrying into a black family
  • "Mind Hunters"

The only one I could recommend is "Hero", and then only if you like Kung Fu movies. It was amazing - beautiful, in many respects. But subtitled, which is always a bit of a drag, but probably better than the silly dubbing they used to do.

This morning I'm going to church (and taking, for the first time, my uncle-in-law, David - he has some physical problems so we'll see how that goes).

Tonight I teach a VBS for work (Vacation Bible School). 100 kids over a two hour period. Pray for me. ;-)

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