Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Trimming my Lawn

Trimmed my lawn for THE FIRST TIME this season (talk about "going to seed"!). Some of the stuff was so thick it literally sprayed plant juice in my face (made me laugh). Reminds me of this picture (from today's story from CNN about Kudzu (which I read daily - trying to keep current, ya know)).

We drove down to South Carolina to vist my brother, Kerry a month or so ago and I saw a bunch of very wierd plant life that looked LIKE IT WAS TAKING OVER THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. I am convinced now that it was Kudzu.

Note: I had to link to a different kudzu pic, since apparently CNN deletes their pics periodically...


Anonymous said...


You definitely saw Kudzu in NC and SC! One of my brother's summer jobs was to kill kudzu.

Your friend, Vivian (originally from SC and now residing in NC!)

kieron said...

Hay Viv! Thanks for reading (and the kudzuconfirmation).