Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Ok - I know you are on the edge of your seat about the kickball game -


That means they play the next harder division champs on Thursday (tomorrow)!!


kieron said...

Is that really their name? The Lady Lyons? Hopefully not.

Anonymous said...

beeg apolgies for not getting to the Lady Lion's game...Mama Ruby's extended visit and subsequent break in my routine (such as it is not really) mean that I still do not know if I'm coming or going, and am forgetting things even more than usual...howsomever, the fierce rain storm and tornado scare near Stinesville, E-ville, etc. came at game time and now I'm wondering the Lions got soaked or cancelled or won just the same or what....guess I'll find out if i figure out how to easiy check your blogaroonie tomorrow or when ever I remember to check things online. Bet you didn't count on long boring replies from jomama but me voice and tant pis pour vous tous. And yes, kieron and molly on Sun will be fine and dandy.

kieron said...

Hay Momma!

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