Sunday, May 22, 2005

8th Grade Play - Treasure Island

Went to see the 8th grade play - they did a surprisingly good job. I don't remember as a kid having any sort of drama at that age...not until high school. Maybe my high school was just backward.

Admission was $1, and then you could buy a "pirate pack" for $5. Said pack included a sword, eye patch, telescope, and bandanna. Tatoos were free (no kidding - they had a table set up to apply them).

A nice thing about the small catholic shool we go to is that when there is an activity like this it seems like EVERYONE is involved. I mean, it seemed like there were 40 kids in the play, and I think there are only 30 in the whole 8th grade!

Oh, and the kids in the picture above, you ask? Just a random internet image, drawn from the ether...I have no idear who they are - I just thought they were cute.

Just think - if you post your picture on the 'net, you could end up on blog after blog...

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